
Found 500-year-old a female mummy preserved intact in mystery red liquid

In Jiangsu Province in eastern China, the construction workers stumbled upon an old burial site where archaeologists had previously uncovered a female mummy. Experts claim that the term “dumping” refers to the Ming Dynasty and that it dates back at least 500 years.

According to experts, dumping refers to the time of the Ming Dynasty (ie the period from 1368 to 1644 gg.) And he is at least 500 years.The two coffins were found in the exhumed skeletons, clothing Ming Dynasty and funeral supplies, while in the third coffin lay a well-preserved mummified body of a woman.

Subjected to mummification of the body was wrapped in burial clothes – linen rags, thoroughly impregnated with wax, which in medieval China were used for burial of the dead, as well as Quilted clothed and sheets.Clothes and shoes perfectly preserved.In the photo: Archaeologists carefully take out the mummy of stone coffins.Do mummies fully intact skin, are clearly distinguishable facial features, and even has the hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

During the inspection found the mummy museum staff Taizhou found a lot of funeral supplies, including a ring with jade, silver hair pins and more than twenty cotton rags period of the Ming Dynasty. It is the fourth oldest tomb discovered in Jiangsu Province. In the 1970’s scientists found here found the grave of a noble woman, buried more than 2000 years ago.

Completely by accident in Jiangsu province in eastern China, the builders found an ancient burial place, where archaeologists have discovered a female mummy. According to experts, dumping refers to the time of the Ming Dynasty and he is at least 500 years According to experts, dumping refers to the time of the Ming Dynasty.


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