
20 questions to determine whether you are an extraterrestrial

The following are 20 questions created by Scott Mandelker, author of From Elsewhere: Being E.T. in America and Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan, from which this updated version is taken.

Scoring Your ET Identity

For each YES answer, give yourself 5 points and then total your score. For every “somewhat” answer, give yourself 3 points.

Your Experiences

1. Have you felt different, out-of-place, or somewhat alienated from human society all your life?

2. Have you had dreams, visions, or sightings of UFOs that inspired real spiritual growth?

3. Have you had dramatic dreams of Earth changes, geological and social upheaval, the end of the world, or future civilization?

4. Are you logical, scientific, non-emotional, and somewhat confused by hot passion and desire?

5. Have you had a clear and uplifting contact with benevolent, kind, and highly-evolved ETs?

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Your Personality

6. Are you kind, gentle, peaceful, and non-aggressive-not just sometimes, but almost always?

7. Are you hurt, saddened, and confused by all the human evil and cruelty in the world?

8. Do you feel that money, possessions, and a successful career are not really that important?

9. Do you sometimes feel more comfortable with plants and animals than with people?

10. Are you generally sensitive, considerate, generous, and concerned about others around you?

Your Interests

11. Are you interested in science fiction, epic fantasy, angels, high-technology, and world prophecy?

12. Are you interested in Atlantis, Lemuria, channeling, pyramids, New Age ideas and UFOs?

13. Are you interested in meditation, alternative healing, or bringing love and light to the world?

14. Do you believe human society is ignorant of the spiritual truths that you know to be true?

15. Do you have a strong sense of purpose and feel that your mission is to help Earth and humanity?

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Your Childhood

16. Did you often think about, daydream, or fantasize about ETs, UFOs, and other worlds?

17. Did you feel like ordinary things around you were somehow strange, like the human body, the color of the sky, trees and nature, human architecture, and adults?

18. Did you ever feel as if your parents were not your real parents, that you had a missing brother or sister, or a home some place far away?

19. Did you have magical dreams of flying, invisible spirit friends, or receiving special guidance and protection?

20. Did you look up at the night sky with longing, and sometimes say: “Take me home … Why am I here?” or ask “Why am I so alone?”

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If your score was between:

100-75 points: In my view, you definitely are an ET soul, but perhaps you are not surprised!

75-25 points: You may or may not be a Star Person, and you need more reflection to know for sure.

25-00 points: You probably are not an ET soul, but why are you interested in these matters?


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