
Researchers searching for alien life find a mysterious E.T. signal coming from Proxima Centauri.

The greatest evidence yet for an alien signal emanating from space has been discovered by a group of astronomers from a scientific research looking for extraterrestrial life, including the late Stephen Hawking.

Researchers have detected a “intriguing radio signal” coming from Proxima Centauri, the sun’s nearest neighboring solar system, which is only 4.2 light-years away.

The transmission was successfully received.

A team of researchers from Breakthrough Listen is “seriously studying” a mysterious radio signal from Proxima Centauri, our nearest star neighbor.

According to The Guardian, the signal occurred in a limited spectrum of frequencies about 980 megahertz with relatively minimal changes. The Australian Parkes radio telescope already received transmissions from satellites and artificial or human spacecraft in April and May 2019, corresponding to an area of the radio spectrum that is generally barren of signals from satellites and artificial or human spacecraft.

The signal originated from the direction of Proxima Centauri, our sun’s closest companion in space, according to astronomers.

Proxima Centauri is 4.2 light-years away (approximately 40 trillion kilometers) and contains two confirmed planets. In the “habitable zone,” an area where liquid water may flow on the planet’s surface, a Jupiter-like gas giant and a rocky Earth-like world dubbed Proxima B.

The habitable zone is quite close to Proxima Centauri since it is a red dwarf. This implies the planet is likely tidally locked and exposed to high radiation levels, making the emergence of any civilisation, at least on the surface, unlikely.

Is the system complete without a third planet?

Even though no terrestrial or human-made sources near Earth have been identified, the signal is most likely due to natural causes. Even yet, extraterrestrial hunters astronomers were caught aback by the odd indication.

As a consequence, the frequency changes discovered by the Parkes telescope and the radio signal detected in the 980 megahertz band are consistent with planet movement. This indicates that it might be evidence of a third planet in the system rather than clues of an extraterrestrial civilisation, which scientists believe is “very improbable.”

The signals are most likely interference from unknown ground sources, according to Pete Worden, director of Breakthrough Initiatives. He did remark, however, that it was necessary to wait and see what the project scientists discovered after thoroughly examining the signal.

What amazement!

This is one of the most exciting radio signals since the Wow!, which spurred conjecture that it came from a distant alien culture, according to experts.

During a search for extraterrestrial intelligence (Seti) expedition in 1977, the Big Ear Radio Observatory in Ohio picked up a short-lived narrow-band radio signal called Wow!

After astronomer Jerry Ehman scrawled “Wow!” on a sheet of paper, the strange signal was given its name. Along with the statistics, it sparked a burst of enthusiasm. Ehman, on the other hand, cautioned against extrapolating “huge consequences” from medium-length data.



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