
Some birds or insects could be alien spies sent to watch us, UFO expert claims

One of the most well-known figures in the field of UFO investigation is Nick Pope. He was charged with conducting study into reports of unidentified flying objects to see whether they posed a threat to national security for the British Ministry of Defense from 1991 to 1994.

Pope recently told The Mirror that all an advanced alien culture needed to do to covertly observe human behavior on Earth was to disguise its surveillance technology as commonplace animals that no one would notice.

He recommended people to avoid certain birds and insects.

Nick said: “It would be preferable to use something common and omnipresent, like a seagull or a housefly, if aliens want to hack into and control a real entity, or build a drone that is a perfect imitation.

“Perhaps something you don’t usually pay much attention to.

But it would constantly be watching us, recording everything, and relaying data about us to the distant planet.

How to talk to extraterrestrials – Harvard Gazette

“If aliens are surreptitiously watching Earth, they’ll be doing it up-close and personal — not with far-off telescopes, but rather with a manner that would allow them to capture photographs and recordings in pristine clarity right in front of our eyes,” he continued.

“Any civilization that is able to travel here from another star system undoubtedly possesses technology that would appear magical to us, and one theory is that they may be able to implant a living thing with tiny cameras and recording devices and then manipulate the creature’s thoughts to place it wherever is of interest.

A related option would be to create drones that look exactly like animals, birds, or insects. It’s not science fiction if that sounds like it.

People have presumably seen photographs of insect-like drones that espionage agencies are said to utilize on the internet.


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